Saturday, March 8, 2025

Luxe - FTU

Scrap kit - Lucky Luxe - HERE

Mask - Your choice

Template - EFR - HERE

Tube - Supplied in kit


This tutorial is of my own creation. I am using PSP2019. Please leave a thanks when downloading.  If I am using a template, I always start at the bottom and work my way up. If using a FTU or PTU tube - please don't use without proper copyright. Always drop shadow as you go. If you try one of my tuts, I would love to display it on my blog....thanks


Open template and delete copyright layer, first layer, and raster3

P1 - apply mask/merge group/send to bottom

Bottom green - flood fill and add glass effect

Top green - p15

Bottom brown - flood fill with glass effect

Top brown - p10

Flowers31 - resize 35%

Brown circles - flood fill and add glass effect

Blue circles - p11

Sprite1 - resize 50% or tube of choice

Pick 3 shamrocks and resize 20%

Butterflies1 - resize 25%

Rainbow4 - resize 30%

Potogold3 - resize 35%

Flowers3 - resize 35%

Merge visible/crop/resize as needed/add proper copyright

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Carnevale - FTU

Scrap kit - Carnevale by Miggins - HERE

Mask - Diamond rings - HERE (click the JPG)

Tube - Supplied in kit

Plug-in - Alf's Border FX - HERE


This tutorial is of my own creation. I am using PSP2019. Please leave a thanks when downloading.  If I am using a template, I always start at the bottom and work my way up. If using a FTU or PTU tube - please don't use without proper copyright. Always drop shadow as you go. If you try one of my tuts, I would love to display it on my blog....thanks


*When using the papers - resize 45%*

Open p27 


Apply mask/merge group

Grab magic wand/add/perceptual/20

Click inside diamonds/p16/invert/delete/select none

E44 - resize 45%

E41 - resize 45%

Click back on mask layer 

Selections all/float/defloat/p28/invert/delete

Add a glass effect of choice

Click back to top

E001 - resize 50%

E004 - resize 30%

E151 - resize 35%

E143 - resize 40%

Click back on mask layer

Add Alf's plug in - Border fade II

Merge visible/crop/resize as needed/add proper copyright

Monday, February 24, 2025

Mardi Gras Y'all - FTU

 Scrap kit - Mardi Gras - HERE

Mask - Diamonds - HERE  (2nd row)

Tube - Supplied in kit


This tutorial is of my own creation. I am using PSP2019. Please leave a thanks when downloading.  If I am using a template, I always start at the bottom and work my way up. If using a FTU or PTU tube - please don't use without proper copyright. Always drop shadow as you go. If you try one of my tuts, I would love to display it on my blog....thanks


800x800 Image

P19 - apply mask/merge group

E67 - resize 70%

Drag below mask layer

E286 - resize 50%

Grab your freehand selection tool/point to point/outline top diamond/position tube of choice/invert/delete/select none

Layer properties at lighten/opacity 50 or what looks good for your tube

Duplicate/flip/position bottom diamond

E334 - resize 25%

E116 - resize 50%

E154 - resize 60%

E424 - resize 45%

E17 - resize 20%


E137 - resize 65%

E158 - resize 65%

Position word art of choice

Position tube (I resized mine by 55%)

Merge visible/crop/resize as needed/add proper copyright

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Irish - FTU

 Scrap kit - Irish Kisses - HERE

Mask - Misfits - HERE   #4 by Wendy

Template - #227 by HPD - HERE

Tube - KSD - HERE


This tutorial is of my own creation. I am using PSP2019. Please leave a thanks when downloading.  If I am using a template, I always start at the bottom and work my way up. If using a FTU or PTU tube - please don't use without proper copyright. Always drop shadow as you go. If you try one of my tuts, I would love to display it on my blog....thanks


Open template and delete copyright layer and background

Image/canvas size/800x800

P11 - apply mask/merge group/send to bottom

Layer1 - p8

Layer2 - p3

Layers 3&4 - merge together and flood fill

E27 - resize 75%

Layers 5&7 - flood fill

Layer6 - p5

Layer8 - p4

Flowers layer - merge together and flood fill

Position tube

E96 - resize 305

E5 - resize 35%

E8 - resize 35%

E108 - resize 35%

Merge visible/crop/resize as needed/add proper copyright

Friday, February 14, 2025

Mardi Gras - FTU

Scrap kit - Mardi Gras Celebration by MTA - HERE

Mask - EFR Blog - HERE (last mask)

Tube - MTA tube - HERE


This tutorial is of my own creation. I am using PSP2019. Please leave a thanks when downloading.  If I am using a template, I always start at the bottom and work my way up. If using a FTU or PTU tube - please don't use without proper copyright. Always drop shadow as you go. If you try one of my tuts, I would love to display it on my blog....thanks


Open p4 - apply mask/merge group - resize 80%






Frame4 - rotate left by 20

Grab magic wand and click inside frame/expand by 10/p11

Move below frame

Position tube

E39 - resize 70%/rotate right

E16 - resize 55%

Merge visible/crop/resize as needed/add proper copyright



Monday, February 10, 2025

Lucky Irish - FTU

Scrap kit - Lucky Little Leprechauns - HERE

Mask - Creative Misfits - HERE (Marilyn)

Template - Mine - HERE

Tube - VeloonaP - HERE


This tutorial is of my own creation. I am using PSP2019. Please leave a thanks when downloading.  If I am using a template, I always start at the bottom and work my way up. If using a FTU or PTU tube - please don't use without proper copyright. Always drop shadow as you go. If you try one of my tuts, I would love to display it on my blog....thanks


Open template and delete copyright layer

Image/canvas size/800x800

P2 - apply mask/merge group/send to bottom

Add glass effect

Frame6 - resize 120%

E68 - resize 68%

1,2,3 - flood fill dark green

Add an inner bevel

4,6 - flood fill a little lighter green

(not sure why 5 is there)

Add same inner bevel



7,8 - p3

9 - p2



E15 - resize 45%

E2 - resize 40%

E59 - resize 45%

Free rotate/right by 20

E56 - resize 50%

E10 - resize 40%

E37 - resize 40%

Position tube where you see fit

Merge visible/crop/resize as needed/add proper copyright 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

I Heart Coffee - FTU

 Scrap kit - I Heart Coffee - HERE

Mask - supplied in kit (mask2)

Tube - supplied in kit (040)

Word art - at bottom 


This tutorial is of my own creation. I am using PSP2019. Please leave a thanks when downloading.  If I am using a template, I always start at the bottom and work my way up. If using a FTU or PTU tube - please don't use without proper copyright. Always drop shadow as you go. If you try one of my tuts, I would love to display it on my blog....thanks


P26 - resize 40%

Apply mask/merge group


E131 - resize 70%

Tube - resize 55%

E141 - resize 25%

E123 - resize 20%

E113 - resize 25%

E6 - resize 30%

Position word art

Merge visible/crop/resize as needed/add proper copyright